dish aerial


dish aerial 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Formal name: parabolic aerial Often shortened to: dish a microwave aerial, used esp in radar, radio telescopes, and satellite broadcasting, consisting of a parabolic reflector
  2. short for satellite dish aerial

dish aerial 近义词

dish aerial

等同于 dish antenna

dish aerial 的近义词 2

更多dish aerial例句

  1. Caen was pitching and I was crouched behind the dish, catching.
  2. What the people of Mosul now fear most is aerial bombardment of their own city.
  3. Combine the beans and onion sauce in a 9x9-inch casserole dish and bake for 20 to 25 minutes.
  4. DISH is the first and only provider to offer the Netflix app.
  5. DISH delivers a one-of-a-kind entertainment experience to every room of your home, wirelessly.
  6. A dish of toads of the largest and most repulsive variety used to be offered one by one to the big man's relatives and guests.
  7. This gift of rice was especially pleasing to the traveller, as no dish is held in higher honour in Korea.
  8. "Perry Thomas guessed he was an embezzler," said Tim, putting the last dish in the cupboard and sitting down to his pipe.
  9. When our nosegay is ready, we lay the cone with the flowers very carefully in a dish of water.
  10. Your electro-plated butter-dish, or whatever it's going to be, will be simply flung back at you.